Meet Me

I’m Aiyla Cook! Your coach and compassionate comrade through this messy, gritty and glorious adventure of life, death and everything in between.

I have been described as creative, curious, compassionate, and direct. I identify as a queer, non-binary, disabled and neurodivergent cycle-breaker. I’m a parent of three amazing children, and a survivor of ongoing domestic violence. I’m an irreverent and non-judgmental artist, an advocate, and a shadow worker.

Death and Shadow has always been a deep part of my life, having had several near death experiences from childhood through to adulthood. I’ve died, only to be brought back earthside, I suppose it just hasn’t been my time yet. I’ve experienced significant childhood abuse and trauma, two domestic violence relationships and I battle in unjust, biased court systems. My journey has included three car accidents, 9 brain injuries and the navigated the transition from able-bodied to disabled. This transition required… requires continual grieving of the body I’d had and building a completely new understanding and relationship of the body I do have. Bringing my two youngest children earth side was some of the hardest battles I’ve fought, nearly dying each time. I’ve lost loved ones, witnessed my dearest loves deteriorate from terminal illness, and navigated my own fears around death.

I have lived. I have died. I have loved. I have grieved. I have lived what feels like ten lifetimes, and yet, I have so much more to experience.

I have ten years of practice studying herbal, holistic and western medical practices, trauma-informed mindfulness, meditation and movement practices. I earned my Bachelor’s degree in Contemplative Psychology and Yoga Studies, which fostered a deep curiosity for life and inspired my path towards both Shadow Wellness and pursuing my Master’s in Somatic Body Psychotherapy.

I have a 1000/hr yoga, meditation, and pranayama certification and have completed a 12-month apprenticeship with my mentor and friend where I learned the intricacies of herbal and energy medicine, flower essences, plant medicine, shamanic practices and supportive self-care. I’ve completed my death doula certification at Going with Grace, and am finishing my third year in graduate school. I have 5 years experience working within the mental health field and 15 years of experience in customer success, management and administration services, which has been an excellent experiential learning for life and organizational skills.

Because of these great many experiences, I’ve seen the underbelly of life, swam in the shadows of PTSD, PPD/A and depression, and spent years gathering all the information I could so I might better understand … well, all of it. While I still have more to learn, I began Shadow Wellness as a way to start giving back.

My passion lies in helping others explore and discover who they are, what they want, and how to get there. To connect with themselves, their bodies, their loved ones. To unravel the decades of pain and generational trauma trapped in their flesh, to face their deaths, to grieve, integrate and release so that they may integrate and transform into a life fully lived.

I whole-heartedly believe in working with the person in their entirety: body, mind, spirit, environment and social context.

Maya Angelou once said, “My mission in life is not merely to survive, but to thrive; and to do so with some passion, some compassion, some humor and some style.” I’m here to help others do just this. To do more than just survive, but to thrive. You deserve to have a life well lived, and to die a death with contentment, style and ease.

Ready to start exploring?

To step into your life fully?

What are you waiting for… Death?